Waterproofing electronic components with Iranian technology

Waterproofing electronic components with Iranian technology

One of the technology companies provides the possibility of creating waterproof properties in electronic parts by using plasma processing system under vacuum.

According to Iran Economist, electronic devices are sensitive to moisture and the waterproofness of these devices shows its importance when electronic devices are unintentionally exposed to extreme humidity or come into contact with water.

Many devices, such as electronic printed circuits, telephones, headphones, electronic boards and electrical appliances, need this property.
The vacuum plasma processing system is a device that has the possibility of waterproofing two-dimensional and three-dimensional surfaces and objects and can be used to produce waterproof products, especially in the electronic or textile industries.

Creating hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, surface cleaning, surface activation, improving adhesion, anti-staining and improving wettability are among the advantages of this technology.

Among the other uses of this system, it is possible to mention the anti-stain property, the hydrophobic property of surface activation, slow burning, or the permanent hydrophilic property, and the improvement of adhesion in materials.

According to Nano Headquarters, vacuum plasma processing system is a device that is used to process and activate the surface or deposit a thin layer of polymer with desired properties on different surfaces.

Plasma processing using this system is performed in a chamber with a controlled atmosphere, under moderate vacuum and with the introduction of selected gases. To do this, the surface is first cleaned and activated by a gas or mixture of gases ionized by a radio frequency (RF) generator. Next, depending on the desired characteristics, a suitable gaseous or liquid monomer is injected into the chamber. Monomer molecules are separated with the help of radio frequency energy and create free electrons, ions, free radicals, etc.

Radicals are absorbed and polymerized on the surface. Connecting electrons and ions to each other and creating a chemical bond with molecules deposited on the surface leads to the creation of a thick and dense layer on the surface, the thickness of which can be controlled between 30 and 300 nanometers.

1 Response

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